Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Don't know what to say

Sometimes i just don't know which friends can be trusted and which friends can't be trusted at all. Sometimes...it's very hard to see...so better watch out which friends your hanging out with...


KeEn KiNg said...

life is like that naturally.Though most people including some of your friends cannot be trusted.But i still believe there are some and in fact i do trust all of my friends for some reason.Maybe i am just lying to myself but it is a good, cause i can really know my friends more by trusting them in some way. i dont mind being betrayed though it makes me really really sad but who cares!?
what i mean is continue to trust your friends and forget those who have betrayed you before, honestly being betrayed once is more than enough! HaHa maybe i talk too much.. just a comment anyway..

Jon Wee said...

lol... its keen king... Don't mind him. He is bull shitter no.2 in our class and one of my best school fren. So don't take his word seriously. =D

Don't worry Lala, I'm here for you. And Bue, Tammy and all other camwhoring kakis are there for you too. =D

Larissa said...

keen king: hahas...nice to meet you anyway...btw...thx for your comment...it's reli nice of you to say that about your friends...i think that your friends will be happy to have a friend like you =D

Larissa said...

jon weeeeeee: ahahahahaha XD...thx...i'll do the same for u too...hahas...anyway...wat your friend says is ryte...i mean..some friends may be good and some friends are different but u still gotta trust them sometimes...if not...you wouldn't even have any friends...am i ryte?? well...i have more to say but i gotta go now...so yea...bye bye...

KeEn KiNg said...

thanks for the warm introduction my 'best school fren'.do i really bullshit a lot it kinda hurt
but still hello there larissa
nice meeting ya! got one question.. how do you feel when jon wee cheow siang call u 'lala' i mean he got call u that sumwhere in this blog b4 right.. jus wan to see whether u feel the same way like when jon wee call me bullshitter no.2 darn wad u call him in church i wan to know..

Larissa said...

hahas...LOL...i mean...i don't mind him calling me lala at all cuz some of my frenz call me the same thing...hahas...so yea...it's really no biggy...besides...i'm already used to them calling me lala...hahas...ryte jon weeeeeeee...LOL...and this is to jweee....don't call ppl names...especially bad names...understood...it's very bad u noe...

Jon Wee said...

no no.. bad names are how boys show their affection to each other. For example you can't expect boys to hug each other everytime they meet up right? Like what girls normally do.

Anyway its like showing a new level of closeness because we are unafraid to speak our mind about each other.

Dang I'm good at all these phsycology stuff