Thursday, November 27, 2008


Yeah, as some of you might have heard, we went to watch Twilight today! yay! We as in Jon Wee, Bue Lim, Geber Lim, Larissa Lau, Ivan Lau, Matthew Huang, Keen King and Boon Yang. Despite the late grand and fashionable entry by me, keen king and boon yang, we miraculously arrived there just when the movie started.

As predicted, there were plenty of over-excited girls constantly cheering throughout the movie. And you know what? I don't blame them one bit. I mean what is there not to like? Hot girls, hot boys, hot rides, hot landscape and most importantly hot storyline. Well, maybe the storyline can only be appreciated by those who haven't read the book (that's me!).

I believe in watching the movie first before reading the book. Reason: When you watch the movie, it sorts of sparks your interest and gives you the hunger to read it all in one go. Then when you are reading the book later, you get to picture it in your mind's eye the scenery, the colours, the faces. Bonus: you will always be anticipating for the next scene while reading.

Anyway back to the movie. The forest background is gorgeous. Really. All the greenery and stuff. The camera awesomely captured the essence of each scene very well.

The only thing regrettable watching Twilight in the cinema is that there are lots of cut scenes. Really pissing off. The kissing scene was pretty much gone gone like the wind.

But all in all, it's a good movie. One that I never regret watching despite what some of the sceptical boys might think.

P/S: Larissa and Ivan went home early.... T_T why?!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Bonjours from Hawaii

Aloha Seniora's and madames, 
I can't wait till Twilight starts. People, start your engine and start BOOKING! :D Even If I have to buy the ticks at 10 in the morning, I'll do it. :P

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's lonely... again...

Hi there. If you're reading this, it is 10 pm and I had only cover half of form 4 Chem and totally haven't touch form 5. And Chem is tomorrow! Woot! Hail me!

What was I doing?

Sleeping. Eating. Sleeping. Eating. Sleeping. you get the idea.

Oh and Twilight is coming out on the 27 NOVEMBER. The last day of SPM! Its like destiny. Lol. I'm getting all mysterious and all. Fate is knocking on your door for a date, don't let it down and all that. Bleh~

Larrissa is getting people to go watch. :D

Ooooh speaking of Twilight, Do Vampires get AIDs?

God bless.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Potential in living...

Life. Is. A. Gift.

When you're alive. You can do anything. Be anyone. If you want to change the world, you will change the world. You can build bridges, bonds, ties. You can also destroy them. You can see, smell, hear, touch, taste. You can go anywhere. You can save people. Send medical aid. Or do the opposite. You can dream anything and achieve them. You wish to be a doctor, a lawyer, an artist, a poet, and you be all that. You can say anything, do whatever, and it will make a difference. Can't get where you want to go? You can work your way there.

THAT is the potential of living. Don't sit around. Don't do nothing. And whatever you do, DON'T KILL YOURSELF!

Don't let go of this potential. Go and catch your butterfly. Cause after you die, you're never getting back this potential ever again in this world.