Friday, September 19, 2008

Cold, Hard and Cruel Logic...

In my opinion, logic is one of the most devastating force on earth. Logic is uninfluential, unprejudiced, unbias, beyond feelings, yet beyond fairness and plain cold. To explain more clearly, here are some examples:

I feel so lonely. And the worst place to feel alone is in a crowd.
Loneliness is a state of mind, not a state of being. So put a sock in it and get on with life.

I fell madly deeply in love. The feeling of being needed feels so good.
You're not in true love cause you're only doing this because it makes you feel good. One can say the same as falling in love with drugs.

That's nice. He says he's my friend.
He's your friend as long as you stay useful to him. Once he can no longer exploit you, he'll dump you faster than a female spider eats their mate after having sex.

Yes, must always stay hopeful. Hope is all I need in life.
Pfft! Hope! That's what wieners use to hide from reality.

Get it? If not, lets imagine A Prisoner's Dilema scenario.

Taken from " The Mind Game" by Hector Macdonald

Proffesor Fieldhead chose these two student to serve as an object lesson. The two students were to be opponents or prisoners as you can see:

'You have a choice: cooperate or defect. If both of you cooperate, you each get five pounds.' Taking out his wallet, he placed two notes in front of us. 'If both of you defect, you each get one pound.' The two coins tumbled out of his magician's hand and landed between the notes. 'However, if one one defects and the other cooperates, the bad guy gets seven pounds and the nice guy gets nothing. Standard Prisoner's Dilemma. Understand?'

Well the professor told them they'll go for only two rounds of this game. First round: both student decided to coorperate, both get five pounds. However, on the second round: One student said coorperate but the other defects. So the bad guy got seven pounds.

'Treacherous bastard,' The good guy said.

'No,' said Fieldhead. 'Intelligent bastard. He came away richer than you, remember. And he's not trying to make friends with you, so it doesn't matter to him at all that you're left feeling like the sucker you are. Question is: why did he cooperate at first? And why did cooperation break down.'

The answer,
'Only when you expect no future productive games with an individual will you cease to cooperate with him. Drop people when they stop being useful.'

There you go again. Logic smacks right back to your face. Logic is said to be the greatest mind tool of your brain, regardless whether you use the logic for good or evil. But most people use it for evil in the end. Eventually, logic is the reason why people lose faith in God.

Like logically, Jesus can't possibly rise from the dead because after all, he IS dead. Or God does not exist because there is no such thing as eternal. All things will eventually end.

Reason why they say this because they can't accept the fact of not understanding something.

Isaiah 55:9
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.

My head hurts. Big time. Curse you stupid book.

Deception is like boiling a frog. Drop it in scalding water and it will leap out immediately. But start cold and it will never notice the rising temperature.

ps: i got addicted to the song too. =)

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